Saturday, June 17, 2006

the things she carried


c.1375, from O.Fr. diferer, from L. differre "to set apart, differ," from dis- "away from" ferre "carry" (see infer). Two senses that were present in L. have gone separate ways in Eng. since c.1500 with defer (transitive) and differ (intransitive).

in 30 minutes i imagine things will be different.

i have a headache, i have taken 4 ibuprofen, i expect to feel relief in one half of an hour. generally i feel a bit postcoital at the break of a headache. there is something simple and delicious about the end of pain to my brain. i am at work on a saturday in an airless and warm office, this might mitigate my sense of euphoria. if it was cooler outside i might lay down with a book in the grass and nap but there is too much light and heat today for the likes of me.

if i could be doing something differently right now, i would be:
  • more comfortable in my skin so i could wear just it
  • sitting inside of a barrel on the underside of a floating dock looking at the sun go down while the lake licks my back
  • on a ferry ride, shyly sharing stories with a boy who is falling in love, starting the best of my life
  • holding hands
  • alone in a new city, living quietly this time
  • climbing a tree
  • feeling strong hands cup my head and thumb my neck
  • playing tetherball
  • talking to someone every day until time starts to pass and that saturday morning spent cradled in my father's arms watching cartoons feels like yesterday

life should not be a holding pattern, spent waiting for the pain to subside. i need some fresh air.

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